Who Is The Holy Spirit

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There is some confusion today regarding the Holy Spirit. People either strongly embrace Him or out of unfamiliarity they distance themselves from Him, dismissing the role He could play in their life. The third Person of the Trinity will have a significant impact on your life if you welcome Him.

In John 14, Jesus informs the disciples that He is leaving, but He is not leaving them alone. Our first introduction to the Holy Spirit is as “another Helper.” Another” suggest that He will replace someone who has been helping the disciples.

The Holy Spirit will serve in the role that Jesus served with the disciples. Everything Jesus did for, and with the disciples, the Holy Spirit will now do for and with us, but in a greater quantity. Whereas Jesus had a limited number of disciples, the Holy Spirit will be with every man and woman who has a relationship with God.

The title “Helper” comes from the word “Paraclete.” In the context of scripture, the Paraclete is defined as “one who comes alongside.”

He Comes Alongside Us To:

  • Produce fruit in us. Galatians 5:22-23
  • Distribute gifts for us. 1 Corinthians 12:4
  • Teach truth to us. John 14:17
  • Comfort us. Acts 9:31

In every season of life, the Paraclete is with us. He will not abandon us in our time of need. It is our need for spiritual transformation that He is with us. Jesus further explains how the Holy Spirit will not only be with us, but He will live in us. 1 Corinthians 6:19 confirms this truth, “we are the temple of the Holy Spirit.”

There is never a point in your life when you will need to seek more of God. I know it sounds good to sing, “wanting more of God,” but it’s not theologically accurate. You have all of God you will ever have via the Holy Spirit’s residence. This single truth should transform how we live!

The second description of the Holy Spirit is “the Spirit of truth.” He is the one who teaches us all things concerning God’s Word. He is the greatest commentary ever read. The best sermon ever preached.

As the Spirit of truth, He helps us understand what the Bible says. We may think it’s the Pastor, Sunday School teacher or friend who explains spiritual truths to us, but it is the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 2:10 explains how the Holy Spirit searches everything, even the depths of God.” The Holy Spirit is the best teacher of scripture because He searches the depths of God. If you need clarity on God’s thoughts, ask Him. If you need wisdom in making godly decisions, ask the Him.

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.” James 1:5

Those aha moments when God’s word “clicks with us,” are the moments when the Holy Spirit teaches us and connects all the dots. The Spirit of truth works in our life-affirming and confirming truth to us. Have you ever read/heard something, and you were like, “No I don’t think so,” or “I’m not sure that’s accurate?” That is the Holy Spirit. Learn how to tune into His voice.

God doesn’t limit understanding because of our social, economic, or educational status. He gives to everyone, generously, who asks.

“But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong;” 1 Corinthians 1:27

Consider how Jesus found 12 guys who were rejected by Rabbi’s, outcasts of society and He launched a revolution that is changing the world! He is not limited by you, so don’t limit Him.

  • If you struggle with prayer, the Holy Spirit will help you pray, Romans 8:26.
  • If you struggle to understand the Bible, He gives understanding, John 14:17.
  • If you’re facing difficulties, He will give you strength and endurance, Ephesians 3:16.
  • If you need direction or guidance, He gives both, Acts 13:4
  • If you need more love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, or gentleness in your life, He will grow those traits in your life, Galatians 5:22-23.
  • If you’re battling temptation, He provides power to overcome temptation, Galatians 5:16.

Salvation opens the door to the greatest Helper we could ever ask for. Friendship with the Holy Spirit transforms us from people just going through life to a thriving life!

4 thoughts on “Who Is The Holy Spirit

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